my veryvery 1st time playing online games *ahhem* i know i know excluding Barn Buddy which i was quite addicted to*winx* and OKAY LAAA excluding Spot The Difference too hye i mean the piangpiang boomboom pangpang!!! that type of red-fleshy-bloody-when-i-was-still-a-kid-i-would-scream-like AHHH AWWW YYIIIYYEERRR!! but-nowadays-kids-would-be-like YESSS KILL KILLL!! HEY PROTECT ME PROTECT MEEE!!WATCH MY BACK YOU FISH!!-games LAAA
such as:Left4Dead and..
Hye dude giv mi more game names laaa dun tel mi d hole werld onli got ur favolit game wooorr.
OKayla ahbeng let me think.ERM such as:well we have Left4Dead and..
Left4Dead --Soli loo i onli know wan game LOoo--havin conversations with myself in my rojakliishh is soo fun LMAO sometimes i th
ink i can talk to cucumbers, mangos, guavas, peanuts etc YUM.
*issshhh cut down on your crappy English.* im getting insane thankyou.
camwhoring anyplace.anytime.
There was this farm where we need to pass through in order to get in to the safe room and complete the finale,when A WHOLE HORDE of zombies attacked us.
I repeat. A WHOLE HORDE.
And i, being THE BOTAK Louis..Why is it always me?!== i wanted ZOEY instead!!
(obviously im a feemaleee YOU COMPUTER got prolobelem wif mii izzitt!! huh!! you wan me to smash you into pieces izzit!! ) ..nevermind GRRR and i, being the botak *skip* *skip* looked right,looked left,ran forward well i need to protect the whole team..
..cuz i think its quite MAN to do so since im a MAN ,and then i :
WAA!!got so many zombies GEH?!
zzz of course, what do you expect??SANTA arr??
what now?? what should i do? shoot la....STOP shooting me aim properly at the zombies!!!
can throw bomb arr??erm thats what we called a pipebomb
why my bom no more liao gehh??=.= cuz now you just threw it right towards us,well in this case i assume that to be an accident.Bombs are meant for zombies,nt teammates.zzzz.I need more health right now.
press what key press wht key??HAIH
****** *insert sound effects*chiang chaing piang piang ******
the whole horde was just too heavy to be handled,and coincidentally i managed to pick up an oil tank (zzzz well i took up almost everything which is takeup-able=P).I have decided to *majestically* -- SAVE THE WORLD!!
I dropped the oil tank and shot at it.
Immediately all team members got caught in flames.
OOI DumDum why drop the oil tank at your feet!!Wan to throw at least throw further la common sense WOOI!!!
zz I lost each and every possible strand of common sense when i panicked.panicked.panicked.
Left4Dead .Teehee.FUN.Till Then.